November: Dedicated to the Holy Souls

Our Lady of Mt Carmel depicted in in purgatory

October has indeed been an eventful month. We witnessed the ordination of the newest priest in our Diocese, Fr Anthony Tang, and we were privileged to be present at his first Mass at the Carmel Monastery a couple of days after. What joyous occasions for us!

October: Dedicated to the Holy Rosary

Our Lady of the Rosary

It’s October! A special month dedicated to The Holy Rosary; and it is extra special for us as we celebrate the Feast days of St Thérèse of the Child Jesus (1st Oct), and our beloved Foundress St Teresa of Jesus (15th Oct). May God continue to shower His blessings and protection over us.

September: Dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows

Our Lady of Sorrows

Wasn’t it such a beautiful day when we celebrated our 38th Foundation Day early this month? Fr Michael-Thérèse celebrated Holy Mass and gave a wonderful homily on ‘Gratuity – God’s free love for us’. We had quite a spread for afternoon tea and a lively meeting with our dear Sisters. Thank you, everyone, for making the day so special.

August: Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Apparition of Our Lady to Sr Lucia of Fatima

It’s been a very busy July. On Monday 13 July, we joined the Sisters in celebrating Sr Elizabeth’s 90th birthday – a truly joyful occasion spent with Sister’s family and friends.
Three days later, another celebration – the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. It was kept low-key this year, but nevertheless, celebrated in a beautiful Mass at the Carmelite Monastery. 1st August is Foundation Day of the Peace of Christ Community. At our monthly meeting the next day (2nd August), we shall celebrate with Holy Mass at 2pm. You are most welcome to invite your family and friends to our Mass and afternoon celebrations. A gentle reminder – please bring a plate for our afternoon tea

July: Dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus

Precious Blood of Jesus Prayer

What a joy it was to meet for the first time after a long time! I felt so blessed when we came together as a Community on the first Sunday in June, which happened to be Holy Trinity Sunday. We finally started on our planned Formation Study on St Thérèse – “The Story of a Soul”. We also renewed our Promise, which was long overdue since Easter.

June: Dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Word received by St Teresa of Avila from Jesus

This has been our prayer at online Mass every day for the past two months. Thankfully we shall once again be able to actively participate and receive Our Lord at Holy Mass. Thank you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for answering our prayers.

May: Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady appearing to a sick St Therese of Lisieux

It has been a very challenging month for most of us. Being Carmelites, however, this isolation truly gives us the added time of silence and solitude which we are being called to. Thank you, dear God, for our Divine Office and time of meditation. What a greater opportunity to pray and to read the Scriptures (guess some of you would have taken up Fr John Adam’s challenge to read the Gospel of Mark during Holy Week).

April: Dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament

The Lord is my shepherd. There is nothing I shall want. With these words in mind, may we find strength in facing the uncertainty of how events are going to pan out from the Covid-19 pandemic. Let us use this time of enforced retreat to improve our relationship with God through prayer and the reading of the Scriptures.