September 1, 2020
Our Lady of Sorrows

September: Dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows

OCDS Shield

By Maureen William OCDS,
Christchurch President

Dear brothers and sisters in Carmel,

Wasn’t it such a beautiful day when we celebrated our 38th Foundation Day early this month? Fr Michael-Thérèse celebrated Holy Mass and gave a wonderful homily on ‘Gratuity – God’s free love for us’. We had quite a spread for afternoon tea and a lively meeting with our dear Sisters. Thank you, everyone, for making the day so special.

At our September meeting, we shall have a special guest – Fr Arsène. Father has asked that he be with us, as an observer, for the day. He leaves for Africa in mid-September. Fr Michael-Thérèse shall be present at the usual time (2.30pm) for his talk to the Community. To celebrate our hospitality, we shall have a special afternoon tea. Please bring a plate. Thank you.

Please continue to pray for our retreat (13 – 15 November). Lyn has seen to the advertising of the event. She has arranged for notices to be put in the various parish newsletters; we are in the process of printing and putting up posters in churches.

As you must be aware, Deacon Anthony Tang’s ordination date has now changed to Saturday 5 September (11am – 12.30pm); please keep him in your prayers. For those who wish to attend his ordination at St Mary’s Pro-cathedral, please be there early in order to get a seat; there are no reserved seats for us.

Our Lady of Sorrows, please pray for us, for an end of the pandemic and the defeat of the forthcoming referenda.

Yours in Carmel,

God bless,

Maureen William, OCDS

Christchurch's Peace of Christ Community President

Read more in September’s newsletter