Dear brothers and sisters in Carmel,
October has indeed been an eventful month. We witnessed the ordination of the newest priest in our Diocese, Fr Anthony Tang, and we were privileged to be present at his first Mass at the Carmel Monastery a couple of days after. What joyous occasions for us!
It was also in this month’s feast of our Founder-Mother St Teresa of Jesus that we joined the Church to celebrate the 50th anniversary of St Teresa’s doctorate: she was declared Doctor of the Church by Pope Paul VI in 1970. St Teresa wrote much on the subject of contemplative prayer and is an outstanding example of how the contemplative life can overflow into action.
Christchurch Show Day weekend (13-15 Nov) is our annual retreat weekend – please pray for the participants and especially for our Spiritual Director Fr Philip Suelzer CSJ. (A copy of the retreat programme is included in the Newsletter)
Trust you all are working hard at writing your thoughts down on “Our Charism and Mission in Today’s World” – a line or a paragraph, whatever you wish to express. Bring them to our next meeting in November. Together let us present a paper for the National Council Retreat in Wellington in February 2021.
As we remember our deceased relatives and loved ones during this month of the Holy Souls, please keep in your prayers too, all our deceased members, Friars and Sisters. May they rest in peace. Amen.
Blessings in Carmel,
Christchurch's Peace of Christ Community President