October: Dedicated to the Holy Rosary

Our Lady holding Jesus surrounded by a rosary

“The rosary is the book of the blind, where souls see and there enact the greatest drama of love the world has ever known…The power of the rosary is beyond description”.

September: Dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows

"From Mary we learn to surrender to God's will in all things. From Mary we learn to trust even when all hope is gone." - St John Paul II

We are Blest. We have a new Council, a good strong one, thanks be to God.
Our retiring Council… how can we thank them sufficiently for their steady guidance throughout the ongoing Covid lockdowns and giving of their time and talents unstintingly as we seek to grow evermore in the charism of Carmel.

July: Dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus

Precious Blood of Jesus

By Maureen William OCDS, Christchurch President Welcome Dear brothers and sisters in Carmel, Hope you are keeping warm and dry in this rather cold weather. Congratulations to Marian Fallon as she moves forward in her Carmelite journey. May God’s abundant blessings be upon her as she makes her Definitive Promise on the 3rd of July. […]

May: Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary

St Mary of the Angels

I am pleased to announce that our monthly meetings as of 1st May (Sunday) shall be held at the Carmelite Monastery once again. Thank you, dear Sisters, for making it possible for us to be back.

April: Dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament

Lenten cross

We are halfway through Lent; mid-way through our special time of prayer, fasting and alms-giving; an appropriate time indeed to pray for those in need of our prayers.

February: Dedicated to the Holy Family

Holy Family of Nazareth

Welcome back! I do hope all of you had a good break and a real rest – having celebrated a Spirit-filled Christmas with family and loved ones – and look forward to a blessed, happy and healthy 2022.

December: Dedicated to the Immaculate Conception

Nativity of Jesus, with Mary & Joseph

Advent is upon us now. May we prepare well for Our Lord’s coming – ever focused on Him amidst our busy-ness. May Jesus Christ, the birthday baby, be the centre of our Christmas preparations.

November: Dedicated to the Holy Souls

Our Lady holding the infant Jesus, praying for souls.

November – dedicated to the holy souls. We pray for our deceased family members, friends, loved ones and especially for those who don’t have anyone to pray for them. May God bring the dead into His light and comfort them with His presence.