October: Dedicated to the Holy Rosary

Our Lady of the Rosary

It’s October! A special month dedicated to The Holy Rosary; and it is extra special for us as we celebrate the Feast days of St Thérèse of the Child Jesus (1st Oct), and our beloved Foundress St Teresa of Jesus (15th Oct). May God continue to shower His blessings and protection over us.

September: Dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows

Our Lady of Sorrows

Wasn’t it such a beautiful day when we celebrated our 38th Foundation Day early this month? Fr Michael-Thérèse celebrated Holy Mass and gave a wonderful homily on ‘Gratuity – God’s free love for us’. We had quite a spread for afternoon tea and a lively meeting with our dear Sisters. Thank you, everyone, for making the day so special.

August: Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Apparition of Our Lady to Sr Lucia of Fatima

It’s been a very busy July. On Monday 13 July, we joined the Sisters in celebrating Sr Elizabeth’s 90th birthday – a truly joyful occasion spent with Sister’s family and friends.
Three days later, another celebration – the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. It was kept low-key this year, but nevertheless, celebrated in a beautiful Mass at the Carmelite Monastery. 1st August is Foundation Day of the Peace of Christ Community. At our monthly meeting the next day (2nd August), we shall celebrate with Holy Mass at 2pm. You are most welcome to invite your family and friends to our Mass and afternoon celebrations. A gentle reminder – please bring a plate for our afternoon tea

What are the requirements for admission to the Secular Order?

OCDS Shield

The Rule states that “any member of the Church, who is called to the Lord, is free from impediments, and conscientiously accepts his/her own vocation and the Rule of Life offered by the Secular Order, can apply to a fraternity.” Local Statutes also impose minor requirements.

On Mount Carmel…

Megadim Cliff on Mt Carmel in modern day Israel

Mount Carmel, a promontory in north Palestine overlooking the Mediterranean, is mentioned in the Bible as a holy place. There, the prophet Elijah defended the purity of faith against the prophets of Baal.

Why is the Order called ‘Discalced’?

Picture of sandals left on the sand

‘Discalced’ literally means ‘without shoes’. The term was commonly used in religious parlance at the time if St Teresa of Jesus to indicate an order which had reformed itself and adopted a more dedicated and austere form of life. Members of these orders went barefooted or wore some form of open sandals.

July: Dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus

Precious Blood of Jesus Prayer

What a joy it was to meet for the first time after a long time! I felt so blessed when we came together as a Community on the first Sunday in June, which happened to be Holy Trinity Sunday. We finally started on our planned Formation Study on St Thérèse – “The Story of a Soul”. We also renewed our Promise, which was long overdue since Easter.

Bl. Alphonsus Mary Mazurek

Portrait of Blessed Alphonsus Mary Mazurek

Blessed Alphonsus was a Polish Carmelite friar, prior and priest. He was tortured and shot by the Gestapo. He is one of the 108 Matyrs of World War II. Throughout his torture and death, he had a rosary clutched in his hands.