July 16, 2020

On Mount Carmel…

Megadim Cliff on Mt Carmel in modern day Israel
Image: Megadim Cliff on Mt Carmel in modern day Israel. Source: Wikimedia commons

Enjoy this interesting tidbit on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel!

Mount Carmel, a promontory in north Palestine overlooking the Mediterranean, is mentioned in the Bible as a holy place. There, the prophet Elijah defended the purity of faith against the prophets of Baal. Carmel became a dwelling place for Christian hermits during the Crusades. In 1209, the hermits combined to form the Order of Carmel, or Carmelites, dedicated to the Blessed Mother who had lived in contemplation nearby at Nazareth. The Carmelites promoted the life of contemplation and dedication to Our Lady. The Scapular Confraternity wears a special cloth to express self-dedication to Mary's service.Source: Catholic Weekday Missal on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel