October: Dedicated to the Holy Rosary

Our Lady of Mt Carmel holding the Infant Jesus and a scapular, preceded by a rosary.

October – dedicated to the Holy Rosary. It is also the special month where we celebrate the feasts of the two great Carmelite saints: St Therese of the Child Jesus on 1st October, and, that of our mother and foundress St Teresa of Jesus on 15th October. Eternal gratitude to God for His love in gifting these great Carmelite role models to us.  

September: Dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows

"Let us offer some little sacrifice today without complaining in honour of Our Lady of Sorrows". Our Lady of Sorrows Feast Day is on Sept 15.

A special joy at our next meeting as we celebrate Odette taking her First Promise during Holy Mass at 2.30pm. Congratulations, dear Odette, and may God continue to bless you and your family as you take this special step in your spiritual journey.

July: Dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus

Precious Blood of Jesus

On Trinity Sunday last month, our dear Megan was commissioned as the Catholic Chaplain of Burwood Hospital. It was a joyous occasion with her family and friends present as she was blessed.

May: Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady of the Smile statue

Trust you all had a blessed and happy Easter. Personally, I felt immeasurable joy to be able to fully participate in the Easter celebrations this year. Thank you, dear God. May is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. We ask of Our Lady to pray for us: for love in our families, unity in our Church and peace in our beautiful country.

April: Dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament

St Therese throwing flowers at the monstrance during a Blessed Sacrament procession

As we approach Palm Sunday and Holy Week, let us remain close in prayer for each other. This Easter we give special thanks for the gift of the Eucharist; may we never ever have to do virtual Easter celebrations and online Easter Mass. Never ever!!

March: Dedicated to St Joseph Husband of Mary, Patron of Carmel Feast Day: 19 March

St Teresa and St Joseph

A blessed Lent to all! Hope this finds you well as we journey through this holy season of Lent. It was indeed wonderful to meet with everyone at our first meeting earlier in February: we had our Community study on St Therese, listened to Fr Michael-Therese’s teachings on the Sunday’s readings at Mass, and prayed the Evening Prayer of the Divine Office together as a Community.

December: Dedicated to the Immaculate Conception

Our Lady comforting St Therese of Lisieux

What a great weekend we had at our annual retreat!! As Lyn remarked, ‘Fr Philip did a grand job and the whole atmosphere including the weather was great. I am sure everyone went home with new resolutions and walking on air!’ Thank you for your attendance and prayers.