February: Dedicated to the Holy Family

Holy Family painting

Our Foundress, St Teresa of Jesus, tells us: “Prayer is an intimate sharing between friends; it means taking
time frequently to be alone with Him who we know loves us.”

November: Dedicated to the Holy Souls

Our Lady spreading her mantle over us

reflect on how we can examine the quality of our response to our Christian and Carmelite vocation… how am I responding generously, charitably, faithfully, zealously?

October: Dedicated to the Holy Rosary

Our Lady with the rosary

Christ does not force our will, he takes only what we give Him. He doesn’t give Himself entirely until He sees that we yield ourselves entirely to Him – St Teresa

August: Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Jesus welcoming Mary into heaven on her assumption

I looked at the Catholic Calendar for August. Amazing! (Go look at it!) It’s full of Saints Rememoration days, Feasts, the Transverberation of our dear St Teresa of Jesus. My stand-out is the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Assumption of Our Blessed Lady. What a month!