February 1, 2024
Holy Family painting

February: Dedicated to the Holy Family

OCDS Shield

By Mary O'Boyle OCDS,
Christchurch President

Dear brothers and sisters in Carmel,

A new year arrives and we wonder what it brings. The question arises: what do we bring to it?

Pope Francis, in preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year “Pilgrims of Hope”, has designated 2024 as a “Year of Prayer” with special focus on the “Our Father”. Our Foundress, St Teresa of Jesus, tells us:

Prayer is an intimate sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with Him who we know loves us.

We continue our Thérèsian Anniversaries formation study which we have found so enlightening and enjoyable. (Please bring your newsletter to the meetings.)

ALSO, we have the opportunity to register with Living Prayer Podcast brought to us by the Friars on carmelite.uk.net.

This is a weekly Podcast, and free of charge. The programme is very enticing, e.g., The Four Waters of Prayer, The Fruits of Prayer etc…

I would strongly encourage those who are able to register and try this service our Friars are offering us. The Carmelite Community at Boars Hill Oxford offer a great range of programmes… have a look!!

Prayer is our lifeblood, so it is so pleasing to have the whole Church joined in prayer throughout the year.

Our world and our Church are in need of constant prayer in these very difficult days.


Mary O'Boyle, OCDS

Christchurch's Peace of Christ Community President

Read more in February’s newsletter