Wellington: St Joseph's Community

Do you feel called to a life of contemplative prayer in ordinary everyday life?

St Joseph’s Community began in 1985 in Central Wellington and we have been meeting on a regular monthly basis on a Sunday afternoon ever since. Our community comprises men and women of various ages and occupations but together we share a common bond of love for the Church and prayer for the whole world.  Our meetings consist of a time of prayer, general business, Scripture study, theology, Carmelite spirituality, formation and fellowship.

We are guided in our Charism by St Teresa of Avila and St John of the Cross and the Carmelite Saints and juridically depend on the Australian Regional Province of Discalced Carmelite Friars. In accordance with our vocation we each have our own apostolates in keeping with our individual circumstances.  Together we celebrate our major feast days with a Mass on the Solemnities of Our Lady of Mt Carmel, St Teresa of Avila and St John of the Cross and we look forward to our annual directed community retreat.

On occasions we advertise ‘open days’ to which we invite those interested in our way of life to ‘come and see’ and each summer we meet informally to plan the year ahead over a shared lunch. As opportunity arises we sponsor overseas speakers to give talks to the wider community on Carmelite Spirituality. 

New members are always welcome and initial contact may be made by completing the form below.

Community Prayer - The Memorare of St Joseph

Remember most pure spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our dear protector, St Joseph, on the testimony of St Teresa, that no one ever had recourse to your protection or implored your aid without obtaining relief.Confiding, therefore in your goodness, we come before you and humbly implore your aid.Do not, foster-father of our Redeemer, despise our petitions but graciously receive them.  Amen.

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