Dear Brothers and Sisters in Carmel,
Looking at our Carmelite motto from our Father and Founder, St Elias, he is described as “consumed by zeal for the Lord, devoted to observing and restoring the worship of the one true God in this spiritually feeble age”.
Father Gabriel, “Divine Intimacy”, says:
“True apostolic zeal is the spontaneous result, of the normal fruit of the intimate contact of the soul with God through love. The more a soul is united to God by love, the more it becomes enveloped in the flame of His charity participating in His infinite love for men, in His eternal zeal for their salvation; thus it necessarily becomes apostolic.”
St Paul in his letter to the Romans, wrote:
“Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.”
Our Holy Mother, St Teresa of Jesus, says:
“Christ does not force our will, He takes only what we give Him. But He does not give Himself entirely until He sees that we yield ourselves entirely to Him.”
I ask myself…
How zealous is my Carmelite spirit, am I prepared to serve to the point of discomfort or worse if necessary?
Am I zealous in obedience and service to my Lord?
Am I zealous in serving my brothers and sisters in my Community when called upon?
Am I zealous in serving my wider community?
Lord, that I might see, open my heart wide that I might be wonderfully
zealous in love and service.
Christchurch's Peace of Christ Community President