March 14, 2024

Notice of Death – + Reverend Father Aloysius Deeney, OCD

Our dear Fr. Aloysius passed into Life today, March 14, 2024.

Fr Aloysius was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. He was ordained in 1974 and pursued his studies in Carmelite spirituality in Avila, Spain.

After years of service in the Oklahoma Province as Provincial Superior from 1990 – 1998, Fr. Aloysius moved to Rome at the request of Superior General Father Camilo Maccise + and established the first full-time office of General Delegate to the OCDS. He is the main architect in formulating and implementing the OCDS Constitutions.

After well over a decade in service to the OCDS and General Curia, Father Aloysius – a missionary at heart – opted to retire in Indonesia rather than return to the USA. For years, he travelled in Asia assisting OCDS communities, but health challenges restricted him in recent years to a quiet ministry of prayer and good example among the friars in Yogyakarta. The
young friars surrounded him with great love!

Being a Carmelite is not a privilege. Being a Carmelite is a responsibility! Responsibility does not mean burden – it means the ability to respond to God Who calls us and to respond to the world that needs to know God.

Lord, You are the glory of all who serve You.

Look lovingly on our departed brother,

Your priest ALOYSIUS DEENEY, united in following Christ and His Mother

by the waters of baptism and the bonds of Carmel.


In Your mercy, grant him everlasting sight of You,

his creator and redeemer.


We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,

Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever. Amen.