Greetings dear brothers & sisters in Carmel,
Here is our April newsletter, please remember to bring it to our Meeting as you will need it for our Formation session. Also, a reminder that our May meeting will be on April 30th as Fr Paul Hancock will visit with us.
BETHANY – six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany to Martha, Mary and Lazarus. It is there that Mary anointed Jesus’ feet; they were his dearest friends and followers. I share with you here a meditation by Charles Foucault which I think is so very apt for contemplating during the oh so sacred Holy Week.
“My God, on that evening... of love and of grief, that evening of sweetness because you are present, of sorrow because you are so close to death and suffering, Mary spreads perfume upon your feet and upon your head... She pours it over your feet, spilling the perfume and breaking its container, and she gives you her whole being, body and soul, heart and mind: she gives you all that she is: she pours out the perfume and breaks its container... She saves nothing, she gives all that she is and all that she has... O Jesus, I want to give myself to you as that holy woman gave herself, without holding back anything either of myself or for myself... ‘Behold I come to do your will.’ Lord, make my gift complete so that I give you my whole self and everything that belongs to me as well, the perfume, the container, my soul and body, everything.”
St Charles de Foucault
Christchurch's Peace of Christ Community President