Our dear sister in Carmel, Theresa Siew, was called home to her beloved Lord and Our Lady of Mount Carmel on April 13th 2020 at Nazareth House in Christchurch. She was surrounded in prayer by her daughter, Mary Siew, on video link from Korea, the Sisters and friends at Nazareth House and the many prayers from our Carmelite family.
Theresa loved her Carmelite family, and in those early years before her health declined, she enriched our Peace of Christ Community with her warm, charitable personality and good sense of humour. I personally remember her with always a smile on her face, and looking at you with her kind eyes, while holding your hand.
Theresa attended Mass and Adoration at the Holy Cross Chapel in Chancery Lane, where she first met Fr Pat Kennedy and then Fr Ray Schmack. It was at this time that Theresa asked Fr Ray who she could contact, as she wished to join a Catholic group of lay people. She was directed to Eddie Rodden, one of our Carmelite members, who is still active in our Community. He invited Theresa to one of our Sunday meetings and thus began her journey into our family of Carmel. Theresa greatly valued the friendship of Eddie and his late wife, Doris.
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Her daughter, Mary, who is unable to return to Christchurch, because of the quarantine restrictions we are under, wishes me to express her deepest gratitude to our Community for your prayers, love and being such a special friend to Theresa.
Father Michael Thérèse, CSJ, our Spiritual Assistant, will offer prayers and bless her coffin at Lamb and Haywood Chapel on Friday April 17 .
He is not permitted to be at the graveside, so a Mass will be offered privately later. Our Community will unite in prayer between 2-2.30pm, praying the Divine Office and singing the Salve Regina from home during this burial time.
May her generous, prayerful soul be heaven bound, accompanied by Mary our Mother, all our Saints and the Holy Angels. We pray for consolation for all at this time, especially for Mary Siew and her family.
Christchurch's Peace of Christ Community Member